As a born-again believer, you carry in you the message this world needs. . .the hope, power, and love of God. Paul stated that God commissioned him to proclaim the Word of God in all of its fullness, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:24-29). Christ stated that He gave those who believe in Him the very glory that God gave Him. So, as a believer in Christ, you have become the Christmas message, the very glory of God available and revealed to others.
Jesus came to this earth, fully God and fully man, and He walked among us to show us the love of our Father God. Jesus came to reunite us with God, the Spirit of Love. The birth of Christ shifted the atmosphere of earth and brought to us the possibility of new life, divinity in our midst, the supernatural made real, the impossible made possible, the weak made strong, the unseen made visible, the broken healed, the shackled unchained, and the sinner forgiven.
Scripture tells us to fix our eyes on the unseen, to set our hearts on things above. . .the realm of faith, bringing God’s reality into our to very midst. Jesus brought to life the incorruptible Word of God. We as believers, with faith in and living according to that Word, are glimpses of Heaven, the reality of the Divine here on earth. We are here to fulfill God’s plan set forth in Matthew 6:10 – His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. The supernatural reality of God becomes our reality in this life. We receive every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3), and the glory of God, dwelling in us through Christ, understood and received in its fullness, changes lives.
The Word, Jesus, was made flesh so that you and I could walk in the fullness of Christ in this life and walk in every blessing He came to bring us. God’s heart is that none should perish and that all would live eternally with Him, but He also desires that we should see His goodness in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). His goodness is His restoration, His protection, His provision, His healing, His miracles, His love fully manifested in our lives in the here and now.
When we receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we continue His mission. We become His presence of love and power to a world in need. His nature, recreated in us, becomes an unstoppable force of hope and love to those around us. We become His message to a world in need. That’s something to celebrate! God has put you on this earth, at this time, to herald His Glory. You have been born for such a time as this! You are His Christmas message come to life!
Pastor Lisa Marie Tihen
© 2020