It’s time to reset, restart, refresh! It’s time to walk away from all the issues of the past and get a fresh start with God! If you are burdened down by the mistakes of your past, the opportunities you feel you have missed, the things you wished you would have done differently, close that book! Start over! Start a new chapter! Your past does not define who you are – unless you choose to dwell on wrong thinking. God is not the condemner. That’s the devil’s specialty. God is not judging you for past mistakes. His grace is greater than anything you have ever done wrong! God is the God of limitless possibilities. He is the God of the redo, the reset, the rebirth, the refreshing, and the redemption of anything lost or broken or missing in your life! He sees your future bright and shining and has a plan to help you get to where you desire to go! God does not condemn the mistakes of your past. He celebrates the promise of your future!
With God, it is never too late to start over! It is never too late to chart a new course! God is for you. He is never against you (Romans 8:31)! He has abundance and provision for you every step of the way. So step out of that prison of regret, and walk into His glorious light, His glorious plan for you, His limitless future, His new opportunities, His abundance! It’s time to walk out of the condemnation of the law of religion and walk into the freedom of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit and the love of God.
You can walk in the abundance of the Kingdom of God while you are here on the earth! That’s what God designed you to do, and that’s what you are meant to do. He has provided His Kingdom for you in the here and now. All you have to do is learn how to agree with God, and all of His tremendous resources and provision and abundance will manifest in your life. God’s goodness is not just for us to experience in Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is meant by God to operate on this earth….for you and through you. So, restart by walking into the abundance of God’s peace, joy, provision, healing, blessing, power, and authority.
How do you do that? Trust God. Find out what He has for you in His Word. His wisdom for you will turn around any situation for the good. His Word is His wisdom. Get to know Him through His Word. God tells us in Matthew 13:11 that “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (KJV).” The New International Version says, “[T]he knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.” Knowledge. That’s what we all need to seek. Knowledge of God’s Word brings light to every situation. Take a look at Jesus and see how no obstacle, no trap, no enemy could hold him down. Read Luke 4:1-13. You can do the very same thing Jesus did. Use the Word. His Word comes with power (Luke 4:32) – for you! Now, you can’t use it if you don’t know it, but hallelujah, it’s easy to know. Scripture states, “To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge (Mt 13:12; NLT),” and Matthew 16:19 says that God will give us the keys to the Kingdom. Matthew 6:10 reminds us that it is God’s plan that His Kingdom shall come and His will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven. There is only abundance in Heaven, no lack, nor sorrow, no disappointment…ONLY ABUNDANCE! The only thing that holds you back from the abundance of God and a fresh start is your own thinking that doesn’t agree with God. Your past is not your problem. God is not concerned with your past. He is focused on your future, and He has abundance in store for you!
There is an unseen reservoir of abundance in God available and destined for every person who will take God at His Word. If you are looking to reset, restart, refresh, and to redeem situations in your life, join us Sunday mornings at 10 at River City Church.
Step into your refreshing,
Pastor Lisa Marie
If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life and desire to, pray this: Dear God, I believe that Jesus is your Son, that He died on the cross for me and was resurrected for my redemption. I choose to make Jesus the Lord of my life. I thank you for forgiving me and for filling me with Your Holy Spirit. I thank You that I am Your child, that You are my Father, and that You have great things planned for me. Amen.